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Doctor Diagnosis

Appeals and Denials

Appeals and denials serve as an area with much potential; by employing a preventive approach as well as establishing procedures for clean claims and reduced denials, you can incorporate efficiency back into your work cycle.  Our team of clinical experts will appeal DRG downgrades and medical necessity denials.

Our Appeals and Denials Toolkit

Evaluating Trends

Our team takes a close look at your healthcare practice's denials and looks for patterns to identify areas for improvement; subsequently a strategy is developed to counteract inefficiencies.  

An Ounce of Prevention

The old adage holds true even here!  At CRS we teach you how to prevent denials from occurring rather than spend countless hours and energy fighting them once they happen.

Training Strategies

Unless your team members can identify why a claim was denied, the same error will keep occurring in the future.  CRS will work with your teams to provide preventive education as well as strategies to counter active issues.

Constructive Appeals

Learn how to resolve issues to your satisfaction in one shot.  Our team will work with you to provide the most effective strategies for handling appeals, thus resulting in less employee hours expended upon this tedious process.

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